Our 2 Hour Life & Health Exam prep has been used by aspiring agents to pass the test. Each state has its own specific guidelines and our training will simplify terminology, provide better understanding, and ultimately help you pass.
1st Section
Life Insurance
Discussing all topics related to life insurance. Focusing on term, permanent, and other specialty type of life insurance
Term Insurance
Graded Premium Policy
Permanent Insurance (Whole Life & Universal Life)
Types of Riders
Dividends and Cash Value
Extended, Modified, and Convertible Term
Annuities (Immediate & Deferred)
How Life Insurance Expires
How to Sell Life Insurance
2nd Section
Health Insurance
Health insurance plays a small, but important piece of the exam. We go over the terminology and definitions need to pass the health insurance section.
Health Insurance Basics
Policies and Provisions
Disability Income Insurance
Medical Plans
Senior Citizens
Group Health Insurance
Accident and Health Insurance Laws and Taxation
3rd Section
State Regulation
Each state operates the life and health industry different, but there are many similarities. Learn how your state regulates life and health.
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Legal Terminology
Offer and Counteroffer
Revocable and Irrevocable
Contract Regulation
Commissioner, Medical Bureau, etc.
The Insurance Company & Agent's Responsibility
4th Section
Q & A
You've studied and probably have questions. Nothing can be more effective that directly asking a specialist the question and getting an answer.
Practice Test Question Review
Terminology Questions
How Each Piece Fits Together
Review of Practice Tests
Review of Previous Official Test Scores
Other Types of Questions